About Us
We are an all-volunteer group of Australian transportation professionals who travel by air, land and sea, and share a specific mission: to protect your inalienable rights.
But these vital industries, and many others in our great land, are under attack. We are on the precipice of being forced to choose between our freedoms or the ability to put food on our families’ plates and yours.
We will NOT stand by idly and allow this to happen to you or to us.
If you feel, as we do, that these dictates are too much, too far, and too invasive, support us.
The spirit of Australia is an intangible thing. Like the spirit of our brave ANZACs, it is unseen, unpredictable, with an unquenchable
thirst for justice, freedom and peace.
The ‘Land of the Free’… and the Freedoms our brave Australians have fought for in two World Wars, have been taken
for granted and are under threat.
Let's Connect
Get in touch with us if you would like to connect, join forces, or just have a simple question. Get on board!